Reflective Art Journeys and Energy Healing

Susan Mattson, Reiki III



Stacy C said:  Susan came and gave Reiki to my husband and me, prior to his open heart surgery. This was a time of great stress for both of us. The healing she provided helped my husband heal from trauma related to a bad experience with a surgery in the past and release some of his fear! She is one of the most powerful healers I know and I strongly recommend her!   You will not regret the experience and I bet you will find yourself coming back for more!


Angela said:  Susan, thank you so much for the distance healing today. I am amazed that I can make a fist with both hands and move them freely without the intense tightness and pain that has been present for a long time.  Any concerns or doubt I had about the effectiveness of receiving healing from a distance (as opposed to in person)have been lifted. I am very grateful <3